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Errors in measuring specific heat can be minimized by the following :

( 1 ) having a very well insulated calorimeter\

( 2 ) having a well calibrated calorimeter

( 3 ) having accurate measurements of the masses

( 4 ) having accurate measurements of the temperatures.

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Q: How can errors be minimized to determine specific heat?
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The answer is SPECIFIC HEAT!

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Specific heat is the heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass by one degree. It is measured by joules.

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Sodium reacts explosively with water, so it is not advisable to do a specific heat experiment with water. Instead use a non-exploding solution such as naphtha or a chlorobezene.

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Specific heat capacity

What metal has the specific heat of 0.30?

There are three metals that have this specific heat cast iron, chromium and iron. You have to check the physical characteristics of the metal you used in your lab to determine which out of the three is the correct one.

What appliances uses the property of air being a bad conductor of heat?

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