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The transfer by collisions of atoms is called conduction. Transfer directly through space is radiationl

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Q: How can heat be transferred through matter by the collisions of atoms or through space?
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Why is vacuum the best insulator?

In order for heat to be conducted, there have to be collisions between atoms or molecules, in which energy is transferred from a faster moving particle to a slower moving particle. In a vacuum there are no particles, hence, no particle collisions and no heat conduction.

When energetic electrons in the glass vibrate against neighboring atoms what happens to the energy of vibration?

their kinetic energy is transferred to the electrons of the neighboring atoms and kinetic energy is conserved as most molecular collisions are elastic.

How can gamma rays cause changes deep inside matter?

Atoms when Gamma rays go through them lose electrons, and Gamma rays also break bonds between atoms, these changes can damage matter.

Which one travels through matter only light or sound?

Sound requires matter as sound is the vibration of matter. Light is more complex as it is the giving off of photons from atoms.

What causes a resistor to heat up?

The current through a resistor or for that matter any conducting medium is caused by flow of electrons. These electrons do not flow like a stream through the resistor or conductor but undergo repeated collisions with the vibrating atoms of the resistor, transferring their kinetic energy to them. This in turn increases the vibrational energy of the atoms and manifest itself as heat in the resistor/ conductor. In turn this results in reduced drift velocity of the electrons resulting in reducing the current , thus acting as a Resistor.

Related questions

How can heat be transferred through matter by the collision of atoms?

Since that's what heat is (the motion of atoms), how better to transfer than by random collisions? yes.

Why solids pick up heat fast as compared to air?

Heat transfer takes place due to collision in atoms (of which everything around us is mad). In solids these atoms are near to each other but in gas atoms are very very far from each other. So in case of solids, it is easier to transfer the heat in form of collisions but in air it is difficult to transfer these collisions. Note: Heat is transferred in form of collisions because heat increases speed of atoms. This speed when transferred to adjacent atoms by collisions, transfers the heat.

Why is vacuum the best insulator?

In order for heat to be conducted, there have to be collisions between atoms or molecules, in which energy is transferred from a faster moving particle to a slower moving particle. In a vacuum there are no particles, hence, no particle collisions and no heat conduction.

When energetic electrons in the glass vibrate against neighboring atoms what happens to the energy of vibration?

their kinetic energy is transferred to the electrons of the neighboring atoms and kinetic energy is conserved as most molecular collisions are elastic.

When energetic electrons in the glass structure vibrate against nighboring atoms what becomes of the energy of vibrations?

their kinetic energy is transferred to the electrons of the neighboring atoms and kinetic energy is conserved as most molecular collisions are elastic.

Why the temperature increases as current increases?

The current is the flow of electrons. Temperature is the movement of atoms. As the current increases there is more collisions between the atoms and the electrons. Some of the energy from the electrons is transferred to the atoms, thus they move faster and so the temperature increases.

How does radiant waves transfer heat energy?

By exciting the atoms in the matter. Pr. definition, heat is the jiggling of atoms, the radiant energy is shaking the atoms, by doing this the heat is transferred and absorbed.

What is teletransporting?

Beaming matter through space and reconstructing the atoms.

What are transferred during a combination reaction between Na and chlorine?

Electrons are transferred from sodium atoms to chlorine atoms.

Collisions of atoms and molecules in air with objects?

its gas pressure

What describes how an atom becomes negatively charged?

electrons are transferred to the atom from other atoms through direct contact

What kind of chemical bond is formed when electrons are transferred from atoms to atoms?

A covalent bond is formed when electrons are transferred from atom to atom.