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As we scratch the match stick against the rough surface, mechanical movement generates heat. With this heat the sulphur content starts burning into flame.

Usually, we want to avoid the phenomenon of production of heat by mechanical means as we consider that one as unwanted loss of energy. Wherever frictional force comes into play, the mechanical energy gets wasted in form of heat energy produced.

Rarely, we make use of this phenomenon. When we feel shivering in the cold, we rub the palms against each other to make it warm.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Mechanical energy can be transformed into:

1. Electricity - this is done at power stations in large turbine/generators, but also on a small scale in many other applications, like in your car you have an AC generator which supplies all the car's electrics, driven by the mechanical engine.

2. Mechanical power from an engine is converted to kinetic energy in a vehicle, road, rail, ship, or aircraft.

3. Mechanical power from an engine is converted to heat in bearings, this is a loss of power but unavoidable to some extent.

4. Mechanical energy from a crane motor is transformed to gravitational potential energy when weights are lifted.

Hope this is the sort of thing you had in mind

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12y ago

First of all, 'heat' is not a 'form' of energy; it describes the transfer of energy between two bodies at different temperatures. The term you are looking for is internal energy. An example of a device that converts internal energy into mechanical energy is a steam turbine

A steam turbine converts the internal energy of superheated steam into mechanical (kinetic) energy through heat transfer -i.e. the difference in temperature between the steam inlet and outlet of the turbine.

Other examples include petrol and diesel engines. The generic term for all these devices is 'heat engines'.

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14y ago

Mechanical Energy can be converted to thermal energy by friction, or through through more roundabout manners such as converting mechanical energy to electrical energy and running the electrical energy via a current through a resistance, forming thermal energy.

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11y ago

One way to convert heat energy to mechanical energy is by using it to vaporize water, which can be used to turn generators or turbines. This is how a steam engine works.

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14y ago

Mechanical energy converts to Thermal (heat) energy by __________. (some sort of machine?)

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14y ago

Mechanical energy and thermal energy are the same thing and can be expressed in joules.

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14y ago

The most common method is to heat water until it boils, and use the expansion of the steam to turn turbines.

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Steam engine is a device that transforms thermal energy into mechanical energy. An internal combustion engine (I.C Engine) can transform thermal energy into mechanical energy. In nuclear power plant also the heat energy released is used to turn the turbine and thus thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy of rotation of turbine. This mechanical energy of turbine is further converted into electrical energy in generator.

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Assume no vibration loss, the amount of energy input to electric motor subtract out the converted 92 J of mechanical energy is the thermal energy produced.

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The principle of mass conversion to energy. The mass loss (due to nuclear fission or nuclear fusion) is converted to thermal energy. The thermal energy is converted (through turbines) to mechanical energy. The mechanical energy is converted (through electric generators) to electrical energy.

Mechanical energy to thermal energy?

Rub your hands together and they feel warm, right? That's it, rubbing your hands is using mechanical energy, which is by friction then converted to thermal energy (heat).