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If you are concerned about being granted custody of a child it would be best to speak to an attorney about the situation. Custody laws vary, depending on the state. A knowledgeable attorney could provide you with the relevant information and worthwhile advice.

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Be a good parent and get a good lawyer and follow his advice. That is all you can do.

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Q: How can i win my rights for my child custody?
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When married you have equal rights to the child.

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A step-parent has no legal rights regarding your child. The biological mother has visitation rights and other rights when the child is in her custody.

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Not custody rights but you can have a chance to visitation. Speak to your lawyer.

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Parents usually have to pay for their child even if it is the state that has custody. The child is taken away and parental rights terminated in order to protect the child. If you want your parental rights back and custody you will have to turn to the court.

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Even though the mother is underage she still has custody of her child as long as she does not do something to get custody taken away from her

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Rights pertaining to what?

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If you have full custody, and the child is under eighteen, then yes.

Can grandfather take child out of state without consent of mother not married?

No. A grandfather has no parental rights and has no right to do anything without the consent of the mother as long as she has custody of the child and he doesn't.No. A grandfather has no parental rights and has no right to do anything without the consent of the mother as long as she has custody of the child and he doesn't.No. A grandfather has no parental rights and has no right to do anything without the consent of the mother as long as she has custody of the child and he doesn't.No. A grandfather has no parental rights and has no right to do anything without the consent of the mother as long as she has custody of the child and he doesn't.

Your ex husband and you got custody of your step daughter from dhr the mothers parental rights were not terminated how can you get custody of this child?

file for custody