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Q: How can karyotyping determine whether the cell is from a female or male?
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Which type of cell could not be used for karyotyping?

Red Blood Cell

Can sex be determined by hair sample?

Yes. Hair is composed of human cells. Every cell in the human body contains DNA organized into structures called chromosomes. Through processes such as karyotyping, one can determine if the hair belonged to someone with an XX chromosome, indicating a female, or an XY chromosome, indicating a male.

Why human red blood cells are not suitable for karyotyping?

The karyotype is the number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell. Mature red blood cells don't have a nucleus, so they cannot be used for karyotyping.

At what stage of the cell cycle would it be the best to use for karyotyping?

During metaphase, when the chromosomes are lined up along the centre of the cell.

What factor can determine which of those pathways a cell might follow?

whether or not the pathway needs oxygen or not

Is it possible to determine the sex of a cell donor by examining the cell?

Yes, by examining the DNA of the cell, you will be able to determine if the donor was male (XY) or female (XX) based on the sex chromosomes. You will not be able to determine the sex of the donor by the appearance of the cell - the only way is to determine what sex chromosomes are present. Unless the cell is a sex cell, in which case sperm cells are easily distinguished from ovum/eggs.

What carry genes that determine whether a person is female or male?

Chromosome 23 determines whether a person is male or female. These are called the 'sex chromosomes' and they come in two varieties, X and Y. Females have 2 X's and males have 1 X and 1 Y.

What is a genetic disorder that cannot be detected by karyotyping?

Karyotyping looks at the complete set of chromosomes. It can detect large-scale abnormalities, such as missing/extra chromosomes or whether large pieces of chromosomes have been rearranged. It cannot detect any of the many, many genetic disorders which are caused by a single gene, several genes or gene interactions. Examples of these would be cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell disease and dwarfism.

A solution outside the cell that is hypotonic to the cell contents will cause?

When the solution outside the cell is hypotonic to the cell contents, then by osmosis the water from outside the cell enters in , due to which the cell swell's up. This principle is used in Karyotyping, where hypo.KCl is added to increase the cell size for better visualization of chromosomes.

What makes the sperm cell special?

They determine the sex of the baby. A female egg cell is always an X but a sperm cell could either be a Y(making it a boy) or an X(making it a girl).

How could you determine the solute concentration inside a living cell?

By testing whether it is hyper or hypotonic solution. Also, the water potential!!

Is there such thing as a female cell and a male cell?

No,there is not such a thing such as male cell and female cell.