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Grazing with hoofed animals such as cattle causes to topsoil to become compacted, and also breaks down soil structure.

'Poor' soil structure is when the soil does not form clumps (or aggregates), but instead exists as fine particles or dust. These fine surface soil particles are then easily blown away by wind or washed away by rain, causing erosion of soil.

Compaction prevents rainfall from infiltrating (soaking into) the soil, and so much of it runs off, and this can also cause water erosion by washing away soil.

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Q: How can overgrazing ang over cultivation cause soil erosion?
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What are the causes of soil erosion in the Philippines?

Over-cultivation is the biggest cause of soil erosion in the Philippines. A secondary cause is the amount of rainfall the country receives.

What is over cultivation and the effects of it?

Cultivation is farming or planting crops. Its effects are deforestation, flooding, and soil erosion.

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Human activities such as overgrazing, over-cultivation and the collection of firewood can lead todesertification, particularly when combined with drought conditions.

Which part of the water cycle might cause erosion?

Precipitation will cause erosion. If you are counting collection as part of the water cycle, that can cause erosion, too, as the water moves over the ground.

What is overcultivation?

Over cultivation is the act of using land intensely for a long period of time. Flooding, soil erosion, and deforestation can all happen because of over cultivating.

How can over cultivation be corrected?

The main cause of over cultivation is when animals are allowed to feed on the same spot of ground for too long. This can be corrected by rotating where animals are fed and allowing the soil to recover.

How animals and people cause erosion?

People and animals cause erosion simply by moving soil. Animals might cause erosion by over grazing or burrowing, but humans cause much more through construction, farming, and other large displacements.

How does overgrazing cause soil erosion?

Overgrazing is the act of allowing animals to repeatedly go back to the same plants over a short period of time--generally without any significant amount of rest or recovery--forcing those plants to reduce root or below-ground biomass and above-ground biomass. Overgrazing is a factor of time and poor management, so while overgrazing is bad, severe overgrazing is what will guarantee significant soil erosion and loss in plant and soil health.Severe overgrazing is when plants are grazed so close to the ground that soil is exposed. When soil is exposed, it has greater potential to be blown or washed away by winds and rain, respectively. Severe overgrazing can be caused by any grazing domestic animal species, however it should be noted species like horses and sheep are the worst contenders because of their dextrous lips enabling their teeth to get closer to the soil surface.Note as well that overgrazing, severe or not is actually not the worst cause of soil erosion. With overgrazing plants are still rooted to the ground and still anchoring most of the soil to the earth. However with crop production, particularly conventional tillage where soil is exposed prior to seeding and tilling after harvest, no soil is being anchored down by any plants so it is much easier for the winds and rain to take it and carry it away to areas where it will never return.Just like with better managed grazing practices where animal movements are controlled and pastures are divided into paddocks to allow for more rest, crop fields can be better managed with no-till cropping or reducing the amount of tillage done. For instance, fields don't need to be tilled up almost immediately after harvest, they can be left fallow over winter and tilled somewhat lightly before seeding. It should be noted that we cannot preventall forms of soil erosion, but we can create better management practices to reduce it.

What is the most common cause of desertification?

The over-cultivation of desert lands is the number one cause of desertification. When the land is over-cultivated, the nutrients in the soil get depleted faster than they can naturally be restored.

How does over-farming an overgrazing make some lands vulnerable to wind erosion?

Well it makes the land vulnerable to wind erosion because it has been Over-grazed so many times causing the soil to loose nutrients which in turn loosens it up and Over-Farming is just like over grazing except for the fact the same soil is used so much it loose the Nutrients and Fertility which makes that lan in particular vulnerable to Wnd Erosion.

At a bend in a river the main erosion is?

A bend in the river could cause many main points of erosion. This erosion could be caused by water flowing over it.

How do humans aggravate the effects of soil erosion?

Firstly the removal of trees is a removal of nutrients and minerals from the soil as the source of humus is greatly reduced. ... Overgrazing, over cropping and or deforestation can lead to desertification - the spread of desert like lands due to these humanactivities accelerating natural erosion of soil.