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they have special foods, suits and toilets.

eezpeez unless something goes wrong then you die;)

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Q: How can people stay for months in space?
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How long are people on the ISS for?

Generally an astronaut or cosmonaut living aboard the International Space Station on a long duration space flight will stay for about 6 months.

How much time the people can stay in space?

People can stay in space as long as they have plenty of oxygen, food and water!

How long do astronauts stay on the space station?

Astronauts stay on the ISS for 6 or more months.Generally, it is for 6 or more months.

How long does a person stay in space?

The average person stays about 3-6 months in space. Then the head back to Earth.

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How long do astronauts stay on the International Space Station?

Astronauts stay on the ISS for 6 or more months.Generally, it is for 6 or more months.

How long do astronauts stay in space station?

It takes around 5-7 years for someone to become an astronaut. And this is after they already have college degrees and engineering or science experience.

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they stay as astronauts for 6 or more months

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When did the curiosity rover go into space?

the curiosity rover went into space eightand a half months ago so the curiosity rover will stay ther for two years straghit!:)

The Space Station is different than a space shuttle and a space probe but how?

The International Space Station was assembled in space and is designed to stay there. It is meant as a place of research and as a place for astronauts to stay in space. A space shuttle is a vehicle that can lauch from Earth into space and then return, something a space station cannot do. Space shuttles transport people and equipment to and from space.

How long do people stay on the iss?

It depends on the crew member. Shuttle crews will stay a couple of weeks with some of the expedition crews can stay as long as 4 months.