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When water runs through a clean forest, it can purify the water.

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Q: How can protecting forests ensure sustainable use of water resources?
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What is a ''sustainable enviornment''?

Sustainability is a concern at the problems arising from the impact we have on the world has grown during recent decades. Basically, the word sustainability means how long you can keep doing what you are doing without coming to an end. Clearcutting forests without replanting is not sustainable--sooner or later you run out of forest. Using oil for fuel is not sustainable--eventually there will be no more oil. Farming practices which parch the soil and drain it of nutrients are not sustainable--they will turn the soil into desert. Sustainable practices include using solar and wind power which is not going to run out in billions of years, and which is not diminished by use, or crop rotations which keep the soil fertile, or replanting forests as they are used to ensure that there will be forests in the future.

The process of preserving and renewing human and natural resources for the protection and improvement of natural resources according to principles that will ensure their highest economic or social be?

conservation is the term used for it

How does Environmental Degradation affect development in Zimbabwe?

Standard measures of economic growth do not adequately reflect changes in aggregate welfare over time. Sustainable national income is therefore defined as Net National Product with adjustments for the degradation of renewable and non-renewable capital. Productivity loss rather than replacement cost is the most theoretically correct way to value resource depletion. Modified net product is estimated for the agriculture and forestry sectors of Zimbabwe by valuing the loss of forest stock and soil erosion. The results show that traditional measures overstate the value of the agricultural sector's product by approximately 10% in 1989. It is argued that indicators of sustainable national income do not ensure sustainable development; as with all macroeconomic indicators, they do not account for distributional and equity issues which are at the crux of sustainable development, nor do they point to mechanisms that would ensure sustainable resource management. Rising sustainable income over time is therefore a necessary but not sufficient condition for the achievement of sustainable development

Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyle?

Scarcity of resources is the burning problem of modern technology. The twenty-first century will see growing human needs for resources since many parts of the world are using natural resources at a rate faster than the natural processes can replenish it. Natural resources are limited. For example, the existing water sources are being subjected to heavy pollution. Global climatic changes are altering the quality of fresh water sources as a consequence of unknown effects on the hydrological cycle. Sustainable development is currently being discussed as a focal theme in the field of development, planning and other associated aspects. In the light of self-defeating current mode of development and recurrent natural calamities, people are urged to ponder over the faults, shortcomings, lacunae, discrepancies and limitations of the ongoing developmental process and production system. It is essential to sustain the natural resources. We should conserve natural resources so that it may yield sustainable benefit to the present generation while maintaining its potential to meet the needs of the future generation. There are three specific objectives to conserve living resources: 1. To ensure that any utilisation of the ecosystem is sustainable. 2. To preserve biodiversity and 3. To maintain essential ecological processes. Resource management should be less energy-intensive, suitable to local ecology and needs of the people, less cost-intensive and more viable in terms of economy, ecology and culture. The Srilankan team, for example studied traditional paddy irrigation systems as a model for water management. Its reports note that from the 5th century B.C. through the 12th century A.D., Sri Lanka developed a technologically advanced civilization based on an intricate system of rainwater conservation and irrigation. Water users were collectively and individually responsible for maintenance of the irrigation systems and customary laws, known as Sirit, were established governing water use and related aspects of life. Similarly, the italics system is a system of farmer-managed canal irrigation, which has been in operation for more than 300 years in Dhule, and Nasik district of northwestern Maharashtra.

What is a frequently forgotten source of atmospheric oxygen?

Sources of Atmospheric OxygenVOLCANOES are an often over looked source of atmospheric oxygen. During an eruption, oxygen is often released during chemical reactions caused by the heat of Magma/Lava.Also, algae in the oceans produce the most oxygen in the world, but are usually overlooked in favor of the more glamorous "rain forests". Though the rain forests produce more oxygen per capita, the sheer size and surface area of the world's oceans ensure that there is more primary production.

Related questions

How can protecting forests ensure sustainable use water resources?

When water runs through a clean forest, it can purify the water.

How can protecting forests ensure sustainable use of water?

When water runs through a clean forest, it can purify the water.

How could forests be classified as a renewable and nonrenewable resource?

A forest can either be sustainable or non-sustainable. Non-sustainable forests are those that get harvested but not replenished for manufacturer or bio-mass purposes. Sustainable forests are carefully managed to ensure they are at least completely replenished and go on to reproduce there yield over and over. If harvest stops on a sustainable forest the resource is carbon neutral, except for logistics in harvesting and distribution of the asset.

Why you should use your energy resources in sustainable manner?

To ensure its adequate and uninterrupted supply for coming generations

Why should logging be banned?

Logging should not be completely banned as it is an important industry that provides jobs and resources. However, sustainable logging practices should be prioritized to ensure that forests are managed responsibly and not depleted. Striking a balance between conservation and meeting the needs of society is crucial.

The earth's resources are unlimited?

This statement is not accurate. Earth's resources are finite, including water, minerals, and fossil fuels. Overuse and exploitation of these resources can lead to depletion and environmental damage. It is important to manage and conserve resources to ensure their sustainable use for future generations.

What is the defernishon of stewardship?

Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of resources or assets to ensure their sustainable use and conservation for future generations. It involves making decisions that prioritize the long-term well-being of the resources and the environment.

Why did president Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot want to protect forests?

President Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot wanted to protect forests for several reasons. Firstly, they recognized the importance of forests in providing timber resources for economic development. Secondly, they understood the vital role forests play in conserving natural resources like clean water, wildlife, and soil conservation. Lastly, they believed in the recreational and aesthetic value of forests, and wanted to ensure these valuable resources would be available for future generations.

What is a strategy maintaining earth's blodivery?

A strategy for maintaining Earth's biodiversity includes protecting and preserving natural habitats, enforcing laws to prevent overexploitation of resources, promoting sustainable practices in agriculture and forestry, and raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation. Collaboration between governments, organizations, and individuals is essential to address the threats to biodiversity and ensure the survival of various species.

What bird species affected the logging industry in the 1990's?

The federal government listed the northern spotted owl as an endangered species and developed rules to ensure its survival by protecting government forests in the Pacific Northwest.

What is the difference between CITES and biodiversity treaty?

cites's aim is to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plans does not threaten their survival while biodiversity treaty's goal is to preserve biodiversity and ensure the sustainable and fair use of genetic resources in all countries

What is the essence of sustainable development?

The essence of sustainable development is to ensure that the environment is conserved. Embracing alternative sources of energy and waste management are among some of the things that promote sustainable development.