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Sewage, particularly untreated sewage, contains a lot of bacteria, and that bacteria can infect fish and kill them.

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Q: How can sewage lead to the death of fish in rivers?
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Sewage in beaches is capable of killing fish. Sewage usually contains higher than normal lead content. Lead is poisonous to fish and plankton. Sewage should only be diverted to a treatment plant.

How does sewage flow into rivers in Kenya?

This happens a lot in slum areas. In these slum areas, they have no indoor plumbing. So, they have to deficate and urinate anywhere they can outside. Many people make "flying toilets" this is where people deficate in a bag, tie it up, and fling it. Besides raw sewage, garbage is also thrown into these rivers where people wash and drink, and children often play there too. Playing in sewage and garbage can lead to many life threatening diseases for these children, such as cholera.

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Rivers can but aren't limited to lead up to... oceans, lakes, ponds, or other rivers.

Does human sewage discharge pollution affect plant growth?

Sewage is a rich source of nitrogen and phosphorus which facilitates plant growth. As "night soil" sewage is a historic fertilizer in much of the third world. In urban areas sewage is often contaminated with heavy metals (lead, chrome, zinc) and may impact plant growth. In water sewage encourages algal growth leading to eutrophication and algal blooms which in turn deplete oxygen levels causing fish kills.

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Yes. Most anything placed in the water, other than chemicals intended for fish use, can overly stress a fish that can lead to death if not outright kill the fish.

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Why does stream water collect in rivers?

because all streams lead to rivers and rivers lead to the sea and water is collective and gathers in the most siutable area.

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Rivers Cuomo is the lead singer of Weezer.

How does sewage polute?

It can leak and go into bodies of water which can lead to animals eating it or choking on it.

Who is the lead singer for weezer?

Rivers Cuomo is the lead singer of Weezer.

What are the effects of water pollution on man and his environment?

When sewage is not disposed of properly, it can lead to sickness, disease, and death. It may contaminate the water, food, and anything else it comes in contact with.