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I can give you several sentences.

  • This is a curious situation.
  • The cat was too curious for its own good, and got its head stuck in the bottle.
  • I'm curious about your motives.
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Q: How can the word 'curious' be used in a sentence?
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Make a sentence with the word curious which mean inquisitive?

An example of the word curious used in this manner is this, "She was curious to the meaning of new words."

How do you use word curious in a sentence?

Curious the curious curious was curious because curious jr. Was not at the curious party.

Use a sentence with the word curious in it?

The boy was curious about what was in the dark room.

Can you write a sentence using the word curious?

I am curious to see who becomes president

How do you write a sentence with the word archetype in it?

The fantasy book used a wizard archetype.Star Wars used the archetypes of a wise man and a curious orphan.

Can you give a sentence using the word curious?

I began to be curious when my boyfriend came home smelling like perfume.

What are the adjectives in this sentence A mongoose curious and playful poked its head out of its den?

The adjectives are curious and playful; a curious mongoose, a playful mongoose.The word its is a pronoun, a possessive adjective.

Is curious a noun?

No, the word 'curious' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The noun forms are curiousness and curiosity.

How do you use curious in a sentence?

You may be curious enough to read this sentence.

What is the collective noun for curious?

The word 'curious' is an adjective.A collective noun is a word used to group a nounfor people or things.

How do you write a sentence with the word 'would'?

I would be most pleased to compose a suitable sentence for you.I am curious to know whether wood would be suitably used as well; perhaps in another context.

What is a good sentence with curious in it?

i was very curious about winter