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can we use magnet in modeel instead of pencil lead in order to make lightening conductor "s model

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Q: How can we make a lightening conductors for rural area?
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Is lightening an adjective?

It can be (lightening hair, lightening loads, lightening skies).It is the present participle of the verb to lighten, meaning to make lighter, either in color or weight. Lightening (not lightning) may be a verb, noun, or adjective.

Is the Amazon rainforest urban suburban or rural area?

The rainforests are in rural areas. Being parts of an urban or suburban area mean that the trees are cut down to make room for people.

What is the homophones for an electric flash from clouds make lighter?

lightning, lightening

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What is the homophone for lightning?

The homophone for lightening is lightning.lightening (to make lighter)

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Lightening+Sand = Fulgurite

What is the homophone for an electric flash and to make lighter?

lightning, lightening

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A lot of people in rural Ireland make their living through farming and other agriculture-related jobs. They could work in a food processing factory for example. A lot of people living in rural parts of Ireland commute to the large towns and cities and make their living in a variety of ways.

What is a homophone for an electric flash from clouds and make lighter?

lightning, lightening

What is a homophone for a electrical flash from clouds and make lighter?

lightning, lightening

What is the homophone for an electrical flash from clouds and make lighter?

lightning, lightening

What is the homophone for an electric flash clouds make lighter?

lightning, lightening