

How can you alter a DNA test?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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9y ago

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No. DNA is quite conclusive. It is even able to tell which person (for example) is the father even if the two possibilites are closely related such as brothers. DNA test results are not subjective - there is no human "reading" the results and drawing conclusions. You either match or you don't. The only inconclusive tests will be if there are identical twins involved or if the DNA sample is corroded (ie quite old).

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If the sample is not tampered with, no. There should be a vanishingly small number of false positives (men who are told they are the father when they are not). Could a negative sample be switched for a positive one by someone deliberately? Yes, theoretically. But a re-test under strict conditions should confirm the paternity of the child.

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9y ago

A person cannot alter their DNA test. The only way a persons DNA test could be faulty is if something was added that would interfere with what was being tested.

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