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dont press open :)

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Q: How can you avoid opening an email attachment?
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What are the dangers of opening and saving an email attachment?

It may contain a harmful virus.

How can you protect yourself about the risk of email attachments?

Risk of email attachments is one way to get a virus/spam/malware but opening an attachment without you not knowing what it is, that's stupid, don't bother even opening the attachment. If you want to open a attachment email and protect yourself, AVG has a email scanner and protecter built in. The email provider you are with will say if its spam or whatever anyways, or should.

How could opening an unknown email attachment be a security risk?

If you download an unknown email attachment and open it on your computer, it could install a virus on your system and you would have a problem.

How do you Avoid viruses in an attachments?

By using virus detection program or by not downloading or opening the attachment.

How can you get a computer virus?

By opening an email attachment, clicking on a link,or installing helpful looking software.

What are the factors to consider when opening an email?

There are some basic factors which every recipient should consider while opening an email such as Email Address (From whom we received email), Date & Time, Subject of Email, Name of other recipients (in the CC, BC fields), Attachment with email message.

How dangerous can a attachmentbe?

An email attachment could possibly be infected with a virus, malware, trojan, etc. Don't open an attachment from an unknown source. If you must, scan with an anti-virus program before opening the attachment.

What are the risks of opening an email attachment with a picture?

The riskis of opening up an email attachment with a picture is if you dont know the sender who is sending it that picture could contain malaware keylogger or a virus that is why I would recommend Norton Interent Security or something that scans before you open/download it If you have any more issues please Message us! The risks of Opening an email attachment with a picture are 1.There could be a virus in the attachment 2. Malaware 3. Keylogger 4. Could be a hacker 5. Could have something Inappropiate in it! When opening Piture attachemtns please be careful as this happens quite frequently if your not careful! Stay safe.

How can you protect yourself from the risks of opening an email attachment?

have a big orgy with 3 fat woman so u sufurcate

Define email virus?

Email virus' are semi common. They are when a computer code is sent to an email via note with an attachment which can be activated by clicking on it or opening the email. Often they add virus to the computer which may ruin it.

How can you avoid risk of opening an email attachment?

•The Know test: Is the email from someone that you know? •The Received test: Have you received email from this sender before? •The Expect test: Were you expecting email with an attachment from this sender? •The Sense test: Does email from the sender with the contents as described in the Subject line and the name of the attachment(s) make sense? For example, would you expect the sender - let's say your Mother - to send you an email message with the Subject line "Here you have, ;o)" that contains a message with attachment - let's say AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs? A message like that probably doesn't make sense. In fact, it happens to be an instance of the Anna Kournikova worm, and reading it can damage your system. •The Virus test: Does this email contain a virus? To determine this, you need to install and use an anti-virus program. That task is described in Task 1 - Install and Use Anti-Virus Programs of "Home Computer Security

An email can transmit one of these in an attachment?

An email attachment can contain a virus, be carefull not to open anything from an unknown sender.