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This is always sad when both parties don't agree to the split-up. If he hasn't made any effort to contact you then I would say the relationship is over and it's time for you to move on. I know it hurts your heart, but many of us have had to face the fact that someone actually doesn't love us like we love them. I personally feel in my heart that if this happens then it's a short-cut in life and that person wasn't for you, was in the way, and now that they are out of your life it leaves you free to meet your true love. Life is odd, and sometimes it has all sorts of twists and turns. I was married before and loved my first husband with all my heart, but unfortunately, the feelings weren't mutual. I thought it was the end of my life as I once knew it and that I would never have a chance for a happy future. I lived on my own, had my friends, worked and did have some fun and grew to love being independent and finding out just how strong an individual I was. Then one day a wonderful person was introduced into my life and we had a great relationship full of love and passion and we have now been married for 34 years. Now, if I'd stayed with my first husband or sat home for the rest of my life moaning and groaning over it all I would have missed out on the best thing that ever came into my life ... my second husband! Good luck hon Marcy

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Q: How can you be sure when your mate has left you if it's how he really feels or does he miss me?
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