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There is no way to actually "weigh" a person without using some sort of scale.

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Q: How can you find out how much you weigh without a scale?
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when you have reached the age of puberty, that will be your height, depending on your frame and to be healthy, there is a scale that will telll you how much you should weigh, if you cannot find that scale your doctor will tell you.

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y dont u just put her on a scale and find out

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A gram is about 0.002 pounds.

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Well, it depends on how fat you are then put your nose on a scale and weigh it.

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As much as the manufacturers [for such reasons as price, cost, appearance etc]want it to. Buy some, put them all on a scale individually, you will find out.

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a measuring scale is a tool that helps to see how much you weigh

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umm.. it weighs as much as the amount of it u have?

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First you have to determine how much the cup weighs without the vegetables. Then you weigh it with the vegetables and subtract the weight of the cup.