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There are many ways people can find help to quit smoking. In many areas there are groups people can join where they can talk about their struggles and help like minded people through their struggles and motivate each other. There are patches/tablets etc people can get from local chemists for people who are struggling with not being allowed to smoke. There are also helplines and online forums people can join to get help and hear other people's struggles, accomplishments to help spur them on.

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10y ago
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14y ago

I quit smocking and its easy. Just remember to think that you don't really need it because it makes your life shorter...

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10y ago

There are many ways to give up smoking. You can try cold turkey, or wean yourself off over time. Some great ways are to see a hypnotist, use oat extract and many more.

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Where can one find information on giving up smoking?

There are numerous websites that offer information on giving up smoking. "Smokefree" and "MacMillan" are two such websites. They offer help to people who just want to stop smoking, as well as cancer sufferers.

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Why people like giving up smoking?

Like is possibly the wrong word to use here but most people give up smoking for health and financial reasons.

What can you do to help you give up smoking?

Yoga helps a lot.

What somking cigarettes has become less socially as more and more adults are giving up smoking?


What is a leg up?

Giving someone a leg up is when you help them

What percentage of recovering alchoholics smoke?

All the recovering alcoholics who were smoking earlier (100%) continue to smoke. Alcohol dependence is caused by certain biochemical neurotransmitter disturbances (probably genetically determined) that cause 'compulsion' or 'addiction' factor. In the recovering alcoholics it is a miracle that they are coming out of the dependence. It is considered by some that getting off nicotine dependence (smoking addiction) is more difficult than getting off alcohol dependence. Just as medical treatment helps giving up alcohol, if medical treatment is taken while giving up smoking it would be easier to give up smoking. Such medical help is most often not sought by people in their sincere effort to give up smoking.

Is any one out there to help people to stop smoking?

Well The nurses and doctors of the NHS are there to help and hope fully someone will come up with a better solution to help people stop smoking :).

Is it true that eating sunflower-seeds helps stop smoking?

There is no clinically evidence to back up this claim. However, anything that can distract you from smoking will help you quit smoking.

Is it normal to be sick when giving up smoking?

yes, as it is stupid to smoke in the first place - shivanee told me so :-p

How does nicotine gum help people give up smoking?

People are addicted to smoking because they are addicted to the nicotine in the cigarettes. Nicotine gum helps you give up smoking because the gum contains nicotine. When you chew the gum, the nicotine is absorbed through your mouth. This gives you a nicotine fix that will help reduce withdrawal symptoms when you quit smoking.

Why is your serpentine belt squealing and smoking?

Usually this means one of the pulleys is locked up. The belt winds around multiple pulleys, when one locks up it doesn't rotate and the friction is burning away the belt, giving you the smoking and squealing.