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measure the volume of liquid that the object displaces

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if you know their density, weigh them and work out the volume by density=mass/volume.

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Q: How can you measure the volume of irregular solids if you do not have a graduated cylinder?
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What is used for measure volume?


A graduated cylinder can measure?

generally liquids but I suppose powdered solids as well

What does a graduated cylinder and a beaker measure?

They can be used to measure the volume of liquids. Sometimes, they can also be used to measure the volumes of small, insoluble solids.

What science tools would use to measure volume?

Graduated cylinder for liquids and small solids and a gas would have the volume of the container it's in

What method used to measure irregular solids?

To measure what quantity of irregular solids? If its volume you are referring then you can use the volume displacement method where you need a measuring cylinder, water and possibly a displacement can.Measure a known quantity of water. Then immerse the irregular solid in this cylinder. The rise in the water level equals the volume of the irregular solid. Note that if the irregular object floats, a sinker must be used to fully immerse the irregular solid, where the volume of the sinker should be known.Hope this helps- if you need more information email me @

How do you determine the volume of regular and irregular bodies?

When measuring for the volume of regular solids, such as dice, it's as simple as length times width times height. The formula looks like this: V = (l)(w)(h) (Volume is usually measured in cubic centimeters [cm3]) When measuring for the volume of irregular solids, such as marbles, you need a graduated cylinder. Fill the graduated cylinder up to whatever number you wish (ex. 20mL). *Make sure you remember that number* Put the irregular substance into the cylinder (Tip: Tilt the cylinder and gently slide the object to the bottom if it's a glass cylinder) and get the reading in milliliters (mL). Now subtract the old reading by the new reading and you have the volume of the irregular object in milliliters. If you want to convert the milliliters into cubic centimeters, just remember this: 1 cubic centimeter = 1 milliliter

What is the base unit for an irregular solid?

You can measure the volume of irregular solids by using water displacment which is meausured in mililiters (mL), and that, in turn, can be converted to cubic centimeters (cm3)

How do you determine the density of an irregular solids soluble in water?

Use a solvent which do not dissolve the solute. For example, if you want to determine the density of sugar, and sugar, as we all know, is soluble in water. So, instead of water we can substitute it with oil.

What is solids irregular shape measured by?

take a cylindrical measuring thing and measure the amount of water in it then drop the item in then measure that amount and subtract the first amount from the second

What is the best way to measure the volume of an irregular shaped solid?

You can read the measurements wrongly depending on the type of liquid used to measure the volume for irregularly shaped objects. You should determine whether the liquid used forms an upper or lower meniscus. For regularly shaped objects, errors occur when you read the units are rounded off.

How the process of measuring a liquid's volume differs from the solid's volume?

A liquid's volume is measured in a graduated cylinder, while a solid with a irregular shape must be measured by: 1. Filling a graduated cylinder of an appropriate size with water2. record the volume of the water3. submerge the solid completely in the water in the graduated cylinder4. record the new volume level of the water5. subtract the original volume level from the second volume level to determine the volume of the solid.

What are irregular solids?

you can be determine irregular solid by its shapes and if it is not measurable by the ruler .