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The unwritten portion of the question being "...from humans." One cannot rightly do this, unless killing all capitalists has become an option! Don't worry, nature has a way of dealing with that; unfortunately not a pleasant way, for us.

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because all the ice is melting and the animals and sea creatures are dying

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Q: How can you protect Antarctica?
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Should you protect Antarctica?


What do countries do to protect antarctica?

The implementation of laws that slow global warming and in other ways limit the damage of climate change are all works that countries can perform to protect Antarctica.

How do they protect natural resources of Antarctica?

they signed the treaty and they can do whatever the want with it.

What can do to protect the plants in Antarctica?

put a plastic container around the plants

How does Antarctica protect penguin?

Penguins protect themselves: there's not much a continent can do in this regard, except provide beaches upon which penguins can breed.

What organisms is best camouflaged for living in Antarctica?

First, no animal lives in Antarctica. Sea birds and sea mammals breed on Antarctica's beaches, and their natural camouflage of dark backs and lighter underbellies protect them from sea predators.

What treaties and laws are in place to protect Antarctica?

nucular activity is prohibited including waste disposal

How can you help protect antarctica's wildlife?

Stop dumping rubbish where ever people feel like it

Why are people trying to protect Antarctica?

It is melting and ocean levels are rising. It can’t be replaced once gone.

How is the study of Antarctica useful to us?

The study of Antarctica is useful tous because the more we know about antarctica, the better we can protect it. We can also look for new species of plants and animals

Why do bats not live in Antarctica?

No. There is no food chain for bats in Antarctica, and it's too cold for these animals.

Why is an Antarctica treaty needed?

To refrain world powers from spoiling the 100% lakes below Antarctica's ice and to stop them from mining the on and below Antarctica's land surface. In short: Refrain world powers from mining the **** out of it.