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Transpiration can be shown by different methods e.g. by using CoCl paper and by enclosing potted plant in a bell jar.

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Q: How can you show transpiration in a potted plant?
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Irrigate the potted plant like Garden Nusturtium with colored water and see its transparent stem getting color in the xylem tissue only.

If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar water vapour appear on the wall of glass jar Explain why?

Because of transpiration. Transpiration is the evaporation of cellular water (in the form of water vapour) from the stoma in the leaves of the plants.

How do you collect water droplets through transpiration from a potted plant?

Tie a plastic bag over a branch of your plant. Then, put an elastic band around one of the hanging corners of the bag to act as a reservoir.

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What is the loss of water through a plant's leaves is called?

Evaporation of water through the plant's leaves is called transpiration.

How will you show that transpiration has occurred in a plant?

You can cover a plant with a polythene bag and keep for sometime and observe water droplets.

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when salt is scattered on the soil of a potted plant why does it die

How do you put a red flower in a mason jar on your Lego network to make a potted plant?

you get the potted plant blueprint

MLN How do you get a potted plant?

On Flora's page, you trade 2 worker bees for the blueprint to make the potted plant.

Potted plant loves sun?

It depends on the species of plant in the pot. All potted plants will need light but some are shade loving and will not grow well if placed in direct sunlight. Have a look at the instructions that came with the potted plant or ask at your local garden center or plant supplier. It is also important not to over water a potted plant.

The evaporation of water from plants is called what?

Transpiration. During the day, water is constantly evaporating from the plant, mainly through leaf stomata. The large amount of water lost from the plant is a result of the plant's need to obtain carbon dioxide from the air.

What is the plant organ that carries transpiration called?

Plant organ carrying transpiration is called stomata