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Q: How can you tell if a Hitler youth knife is authentic?
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Did any kids disagree with Adolph Hitler in Adolph Hitler youth?

I'm sure that there was a mix in the group of children, but their officers told the kids to tell them if their parents complained about Hitler Youth

What did Adolph Hitler expect of the Adolph Hitler Youth?

Hitler created the Hitler Youth in order to indoctrinate the youth of Germany into believeing Nazi Ideals like Jewish people are bad. It is easy to get young children to believe anything if you tell them the same thing over and over again, that is why he created the Hitler Youth. Hitler expected that from his Hitler Youth the children would grow up with his ideals and therefore not rebel against him. He also was training the young boys in the Hitler youth for the military.

What role did Hitler youth play in world war 2?

As the war dragged on the government used the youth as soldiers. Reports tell of young boys fighting in Berlin at the end of the war.

How do you tell if a burberry scarf is authentic?

The authentic burberry scarf has its own tags.

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Was Hitler a Jews but really did no tell nobody?

No, Hitler was not a Jew.

Describe the nature and purpose of the Hitler Youth Movement?

Hitler formed the Hitler Youth to try to get people to join his army but it failed. Hitler was caught and was jailed for 1 year. Hitler formed the Hitler Youth to try to get people to join his army but it failed. Hitler was caught and was jailed for 1 year in panama. ________________________________________________________________ Sorry, but the above answerer has obviously confused the Hitler Youth with the failed Nazi takeover of Germany in 1923. Ten years later in 1933, the Nazis did take over Germany with Hitler as their leader. In 1934 Hitler wiped out his only serious Nazi rival, Ernst Rohm, leader of the SA (the guys in the brown uniforms) and replaced him with Heinrich Himmler and the SS (the guys in the black uniforms). The brown uniform of the Hitler Youth was somewhat similar to that of the SA, which probably caused confusion of the two organizations to the previous answerer. To answer the original question, the Hitler Youth was formed as a Nazi counterpart to the Boy Scouts, and to indoctrinate German boys into the Nazi mindset. It was not the only time that the Nazis took inspiration from outside Germany. Heinrich Himmler intended that his SS should be to Nazism what the Jesuit order was to Catholicism. ______________________________________________________________________ You guys are both idiots, do either of you know where Panama is. Kiwis for life Hitler started the Hitler youth to train young men to be the most elite soldiers and Nazis they could be in order to build the most successful army and to teach them that they are better then Jews and gays and all them. He also wanted to form a super race.

How do you tell the difference in a real world war 2 knife and fake?

a fake knife is plastic

How would an individual be able to tell if an autographed football is authentic?

An individual would be able to tell if an autographed football is authentic by reading the signature, as well as going and taking it to a specialist of which is involved in reading such things.

How do you tell if an apple crumble is done?

stick a knife in it then pull it out , if it has stickie stuff on the knife then you know its not done

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No one fakes Andrew Marc.

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