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An epic simile is a simile developed over many lines, mainly an epic poem. A sentece would be like.... "The Odyssey, by Homer, has many lines of epic simile"

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Q: How can you use epic simile in a sentence form?
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How is an ordinary simile different from a epic simile?

An ordinary simile is a comparison using "like" or "as" that is relatively straightforward and brief, while an epic simile is a more elaborate comparison found in epic poetry that can extend over several lines or even multiple paragraphs. Epic similes typically use more exaggerated imagery and involve more elaborate descriptions than ordinary similes.

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You could use the sentence, 'The custard was thick as mud.'

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The dude's answer was epic. The Iliad is an epic poem.

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An extended simile, also known as an epic simile, is a comparison that extends beyond the normal comparison. Milton uses them often to describe grand ideas because he wanted to write an epic poem.

Use the word epic in a sentence?

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Can you use the word like in a sentence?

yes, using a simile "like or as".

How can you use a monkey eating a banana in a simile sentence?

The banana that the monkey was eating tasted like apples instead. ~my example You can use it if you want but a simile has like or as in it.

How do you use Epic poem in a sentence?

In Europe, the epic poem was very popular due to the origins of other famous epic poems from Europe.

How do you use the word fine arts in a sentence?

it is a simile that can be learned in many ways