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Q: How close the epiglottis behave what can't happen if you talk or laughing while eating?
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How does the epiglottis behave .What would happen it you talk while eating?

The short answer is : the epiglottis is a movable flap of tissue attached behind/under the tongue which blocks the entrance to the trachea. There is also a sound box called Larynx which sends out vibrations when we talk and due to this vibrations the flap opens and sometimes food goes inside and we start coughing. If you talk while eating, and you happen to be a toddler, your Mum will tell you off. If you talk while eating, and you are older than that, people may think you are a bit of a pig.....

If you did not have an epiglottis what might happen if you tried to eat?

you cant eat

What will most likely happen when food is in the trachea?

There is a skin flap which is called the epiglottis. The epiglottis covers the trachea upon reflexes.

What would happen if you did not have an epiglottis.?

food and liquid may enter the trachea during the act of swallowing.

What will happen if epiglottis is absent?

There would be a good chance that you would get food or drink in your lungs when you eat and/or drink.

What happens if the epiglottis of a person isn't working?

If a persons epiglottis is not working properly, there are several different things that can happen. You can get acid reflux, trouble swallowing, and your food could go to the wrong place when you eat.

I csn limitation on the bus?

You can get limitation in the bus. This can happen of you do not behave.

What happen in deglutition?

Your epiglottis come down to close the respiratory tract. The food bolus is pushed back to enter the oesophagus.

Can you die or pass out from laughing?

Yes. Die- very rarely. Pass out- unusual, but it does happen.

Choking on food can happen when the blank does not work properly?

epiglottis and i know why you need the question ;) ghms Haha :O . I know too ;D

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