

How cold is mercury one side?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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12y ago

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One side of it is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY cold, and the other side is REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hot.

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What planet is hot on one side and cold on the other?


Is it ever cold on mercury?

Yes. The night side of Mercury is very cold.

How hot is mercury one side?

it is very cold there just to let you know ;)

What temperature is the cold side on mercury?

it's 44 degrees on the cold side

Is mercury really hot and really cold?

The side of Mercury that faces the sun is extremely heated, however the side of Mercury that faces away from the sun is extremely cold.

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Which planet very hot on one side and very cold on the other?

Mercury because one side of it is always turned towards the Sun.

Are nights hot on Mercury?

Yes, for some reason, Mercury is freezing cold on the side that's not facing the sun, for being the hottest planet in the Solar System, it is cold on the dark side of Mercury

What are unique characteristic on Mercury?

Mercury is the closest planet to the side of mercury is hot(about 450 Celsius) the other side of the planet is cold(_180 celsius)

Does Mercury have extreme temperatures?

As the closest Planet to the Sun it has extreme temperatures. One side of Mercury always has incredibly intense heat and the other intense cold.