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Earth spins so fast,you don't feel it

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Q: How come when the earth takes a spin our houses direction does not change with it?
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Higher speeds require more space for a maneuver?

Yes, at high speed it takes longer to change your direction, for example.Yes, at high speed it takes longer to change your direction, for example.Yes, at high speed it takes longer to change your direction, for example.Yes, at high speed it takes longer to change your direction, for example.

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Light from the sun takes about 81/3 minutes to reach the moon, and if it bounces off the moon in the direction of Earth, another 1.27 seconds from the moon to Earth.

What is the weight of a space rocket?

On earth or in space? No matter where any object is it still has the same mass (minus any fuel spent getting there). It takes quantities of energy relative to the mass to change its' speed or direction.

Why does change in season takes place?

The tilt of the earth's axis relative to the sun

It takes force to change what?

Either mass or acceleration according to Newton's second law of motion and in general ,direction.

What best explains why the supply of housing doesn't automatically increase to meet the rising demand?

The supply of housing can't change very quickly because building houses is expensive and takes a lot of time.

How long does the star takes to reach earth?

Stars don't travel to earth. But the light and other radiation that they emit spreads out in every direction from the star, and some of it eventually hits the earth. Starting out from the star, it takes the light 1 year to reach the earth for every 5,878,700,000,000 miles it has to cover to get here.

What determines the length one day on earth?

the time it takes the earth to spin around on its axis

Do sand dunes change earth's surface?

Yes because it creates a mound in the earth and takes away sand from the oceans ground.

How does construction affect earth's surface?

Building roads, and houses takes up animals land and native land causing deforestation and habbitat loss.

What event always takes millions of years to change the surface of the earth?

volcanoes take millions of years to occur. it changes earth's surface.