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12y ago

it is very easy but i am not giving you the answer do it the old fashion way and go i the encyclopedias and get ur answers all my love

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Q: How do you test the seventh cranial nerve?
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Is a condition that involves the seventh cranial nerve?

Bell's Palsy

What cranial nerve is responsible for muscles of facial expression?

Facial nerve, the seventh cranial nerve. It leaves the brain along with eighths cranial nerve through internal acoustic meatus and comes out through stylomastoid foramen to supply the muscles of facial expression.

What should you do if a cranial nerve test is positive?

It all depends on what nerve and what it is positive for.

How does a nurse assess cranial nerve function?

It entirely depends on which cranial nerve you are testing, having coffee in an unlabeled cup and blinding folding th pt is one test, tracing the pts face with a cotton tipped applicator is another test. There is a test for each cranial nerve.

What symptoms may occur when an acoustic neuroma presses on the surrounding cranial nerves?

Compression of the fifth cranial nerve can result in facial pain and or numbness. Compression of the seventh cranial nerve can cause spasms, weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles

What is the name of the cranial nerve that is tested in the visual acuity test?

The cranial nerve that is tested in the visual acuity test is the optic nerve, also known as cranial nerve II. It is responsible for transmitting visual information from the retina to the brain.

What cranial nerve is used when smelling a flower?

The Olfactory nerve. CN1 Cranial Nerve I, or the first cranial nerve called the Olfactory nerve.

What neural injury will the corneal reflex not test for?

damage to cranial nerve II

What is the Cranial nerve II called?

The second cranial nerve is the optic nerve.

What nerves are involved in diplopia?

The nerves involved in diplopia include three cranial nerves: the oculomotor nerve (third cranial nerve), the abducens nerve (sixth cranial nerve), and the trochlear nerve (fourth cranial nerve).

What is the nerve IV of the cranial nerves?

Cranial nerve 4 (IV) is the trochlear nerve.

What is the function of cranial nerves?

cranial nerve I: olfactory:smell cranial nerve II:optic:vision cranial nerve III: oculomotor: 4 of 6 eye muscles cranial nerve IV: trochlear: cranial nerve V: Trigeminal cranial nerve VI: Abducens cranial nerve VII: Facial cranial nerve VIII: Vestibulochlear: hearing cranial nerve IX: Grosspharnxgeal: saliva formation cranial nerve X: Vegus cranial nerve XI: Acessory Spinal: trapizious movement cranial nerve XII: Hypoglosseal: toungue movement