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African slaves brought ideas and skills with them from Africa.

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Q: How did African American culture develop in British North America?
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Why did vestiges of African culture survive in British North America?

Vestiges of African American culture survived in British North America through indentured servitude and procreation between blacks and whites.

Culture that begins with the letter a?

African, American, or African American

What is an accurate take on the creation of African American culture?

An accurate take on the creation of African American culture is both distinct and enormously influential to American culture as a whole. African American culture is rooted in Africa and has a blend of cultures.

How was African culture most likely introduced to America?

African culture was shared by the African slaves

What is North America's culture?

Americas culture really depends. The culture would be between Spanish, Chinese, American, Canadian,Indian, European its a mix of everything. Amazing Isn't It?! Native American, Latin American, African and European.

DidBritish immigrants of America tended to retain much of their British culture?

British immigrants to America tended to retain much of their British culture

What is the continent of Kwanzaa?

Kwanzaa is not a country. Instead, it is a festive celebration of the influence of an African heritage on African-American culture in the United States of America. So the event celebrates the African continent but takes place in North America.

When was August Wilson Center for African American Culture created?

August Wilson Center for African American Culture was created in 2009.

How did the melding of Europe and African cultures influence America?

American culture was greatly influenced by European culture, especially during the European migration to the United States in the early 1900's. It was also influenced by the African slave trade. Many of these characteristics were integrated into the American culture, such as music, food, and lifestyle.

What kind of alcohol do African Americans have at wedding reception?

I guess it just depends on their culture. Most African Americans in America tend to be Christian, so their customs, unless they have a strong African culture, is like our own. My friend is African American, and I was at his wedding, and they drank the classic Champagne.

Harlem Renaissance?

a flowering of African American culture in the 1920s when New York City's Harlem became an intellectual and cultural capital for African Americans; instilled interest in African American culture and pride in being an African American.

What is Reggie Bush's culture?

Culture?.. If you are asking his race ...he is African American.