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There was a temporary spread of Greek culture, however later conquest from Rome and Asian peoples reverse much of this.

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Q: How did Alexander the Great conquest of Greece Asia Minor Egypt and Persia influence these cultures?
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Alexander the Great was the main influence of Hellenistic civilization. Alexander the Great conquered all of Greece, the Middle East and Asia Minor, in doing so he blended all of their cultures to create Hellenism.

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Greece did not conquer Phoenicia. Macedonian king Alexander took it over as part of his conquest of the Persian Empire in 334 BCE.

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Alexander's father Philip II of Macedonia established control of mainland Greece and planned to conquer the Persian Empire. He was assassinated before he left to do this, and his son Alexander took over the task.

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The Hellenistic period was the period between the conquests of Alexander the Great to the conquest of Egypt, the last Hellenistic state which fell to the Romans,

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Alexander the great sent many things back to Greece from the lands he conquered and opened up new trade routes. He is credited with things like introducing the "dwarf" apple into Greece for eg. His main influence on Greek culture, however, was that he spread his Greek culture, language and laws which were absorbed by the nations that came under his reign and whose influence can still be seen today.

What did Alexander the great do for Greece?

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Many cultures did such as ancient Greece, ancient, Rome and other great ones too.

How did Aristotle influence ancient Greece?

He taught Alexander the great and he was a very smart man and he did a lot of work.