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He had help from the disease cowpox and he tested it on someone

called James and the milkmaid.

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Q: How did Edward Jenner work helped to prevent diseases caused by micro organisms?
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What did edward Jenner have to do with micro-organisms?

Micro-organisms are in and on him.

What did edward Jenner have to do with micro organisms?

Micro-organisms are in and on him.

What is the difference between Edward Jenner and micro organisms?

micro organisms don't get shafted up the batty, unlike edward Jenner

How did edward Jenner help prevent diseases made by microorganisms?

He had help from the disease cowpox and he tested it on someone called James Phipps callum c-o


it was edward Jenner

What diseases did edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur?

Edward Jenner Helped understand micro-organisms by using them to create the first ever vaccine. He used cow-pox and made them develop into a cure to the deadly disease, small-pox. This helped other scientists understand micro-organisms a lot more.

Where did Edward jenner come from?

Edward Jenner came from England.

Did Edward Jenner marry?

Yes, Edward Jenner did marry.

Who was the first person to discover vaccinations?

Edward Jenner

Is there a museum named after Edward Jenner?

The Edward Jenner Museum, in the home where Jenner lived most of his life, is named for him.

Was Edward Jenner 91 when he died?

No, Edward Jenner was not 91 when he died. He was 73.

What did Edward Jenner invented?

the smallpox vaccine.