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Because they wanted Gold.

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Q: How did Gold Rush help encourage migration to California?
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Why did the mass migration of 1848 take place?

California Gold Rush

What discovery set off a massive migration to California?

Gold Rush

Something that affected America's westward migration was?

The California Gold Rush

When did the migration west take place?

the Gold Rush began in northern California.

What made the largest single migration in history?

The California Gold Rush of 1848-1849

Which group made the largest single migration in American history?

The California Gold Rush

Which element inspired a feverish migration of people to California during the mid-19th century?

IT....ITS....GOLD!!!! the gold rush, does that come to your mind?

What discovery set off a massive migration to california and what was that migration later name?

The mass migration to California of miners and business people who made money from the miners is known as the California gold rush. The migrants who left for California in 1849 were called forty niners. Hope this helped ((;

What does California mine?

the California gold rush

Why did the western migration and the California gold rush?

In 1848 gold was found in Columa California at the sawmill of John Sutter and this resulted in the gold rush. California had all ready become a territory called the Bear Flag Republic when John C Fremont took the Mexican governor hostage in Monterey. He was taken to Sutters Fort in Sacramento. So many people came into California seeking gold that by 1850 California became a state September 9, 1850.

What the famous gold rush?

California gold rush

What is synonym for gold rush?

eureka rush for new wealth wave of migration for gold but none of them is as good as old 'gold rush'