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Jamestown settlement survived the first to years by the help of Captain John Smith.

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Jamestown settlement survived the first to years by the help of Captain John Smith

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they survived by growing tobacco

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Q: How did Jamestown settlement survive the first two years?
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Why is the Jamestown settlement important?

i had this question too and nobody had an answer to it!! someone needs to anwer it!!!!!!!!! Jamestown colony is important to England because it was the first English settlement after many years of failure.

What factors made it difficult for the Jamestown settlement to survive?

Once it was founded in 1607, the Jamestown (Virginia) settlement suffered from various adversities in its first few years of existence. Disease and other physical hardships were primary. Poor harvests were also a factor. Finally, hostilities with Native Americans in the region also proved a significant challenge.

Was the Jamestown colony the first permanent colony?

Yes it was the first English settlement in the "New World", It was founded in May 1607, this is when the triangular fort was first completed. 13 years later the Mayflower landed in Plymouth MA founding Massachusetts.

How many colonies comprised the first settlement?

The first settling of America was composed of just one colony - the Jamestown colony in Virginia. Jamestown was founded in 1607, 13 years before the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts and founded Plymouth.

What was the first settlement of the southern colonies?

Answer: Jamestown, Virginia 1607

How did the first Europeans survive in their new environment?

The first English settlement was Roanoke, and they all mysteriously died or vanished. Jamestown was not a lot better as the settlers were more interested in finding gold than making a safe settlement. They nearly starved to death.

What is the oldest American landmark?

The first successful American settlement was Jamestown, originated in 1607. The current site has quite a few artifacts from those early years and they've actually (in the last decade) uncovered the site of the original settlement.

How old was John Smith when he founded Virginia?

Captain John Smith was an English adventurer who was one of the founders of the Jamestown, Virginia settlement. He was 27 years old when they first landed on Virginia.

Where was the first permanent european settlement in the present-day US?

The first Permanent settlement is St. Augustine FL, however... the first settlement in the US is Pensacola, FL.

A serious problem in the early years of Jamestown was?

The most serious problem in the he early years of Jamestown was that the settlers did not have the pioneering skills needed to survive. They were not used to hard work because most were nobles.

Who helped Jamestown survive during its first two years?

by a powerful leader named captain John Smith

What crash crop saved Jamestown?

Jamestown was founded in 1607 by the London Company in England and became the first successful English settlement in the New World. In the first years of the settlement, things were difficult for the colonists. However, after a few years tobacco became the cash crop of the area and provided Jamestown with an economic base in which to support themselves.