

How did Mali get wealthy?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How did Mali get wealthy?
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Is Mali wealthy?

It is one of the poorest countries in the world

What factor contributed to Mali becoming a wealthy kingdom?

New discoveries of Gold along River Niger made Mali wealthy.

What did Mali trade in order for them to become wealthy?

salt and gold

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Both Mali and Kush depended on gold trade to keep their kingdoms wealthy.

Which African kingdoms become wealthy from trade after Ghana?

mali and songhai

How did the civilization of Mali become wealthy?

they saved martin Luther king from a near death experience and he paid them millions upon millions of dollars. New discoveries of gold along River Niger made Mali wealthy.

How did Mali and Ghana gain there wealth?

there a wealthy family because he is a govener and so is his brother

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Which factor contributed to Mali becoming a wealthy kingdom?

dominance of gold and salt trade

How did Ghana and Mali and Songhai become wealthy from gold and salt even tough they did not mine either one?

Ghana, Mali, and Songhai DID mine gold and salt

Who was the wealthy king in Mali in 1300?

I wish i knew