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To encourage people to keep believing

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Q: How did Montesquieu's ideas affect the crafting of the constitution?
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What was montesquieus ideas?

direct emocracy

Where can I find some spider craft ideas?

There are lots of crafting sites online, but personally, I find a trip to the local library to get a crafting book is more fun. Also crafting stores usually have tons of ideas, if you have a local Michaels, go there to get ideas.

What books have good ideas for crafting on halloween?

Books that have good ideas for crafting on Halloween are Good Housekeeping, Easy-to-Do Halloween crafts, Enchanted Learning and a Ghostly Good Time are all good books.

Why are Montesquieus ideas important to preserving citizens freedom?

He was the first person, per se, to propose a system of checks and balances in order to preserve rights under government.

How did the enlightenment affect the US Constitution?

The Constitution uses ideas from philosophers from the Enlightenment era. For example, John Locke's ideas on securing life, How_did_the_enlightenment_ideas_influence_the_American_revolution_and_constitutionand property and Montesquieu's ideas on separation of powers and checks and balances.

How did the constitution and bill of rights reflect the enlightenment ideas?

how did the constitution and the Bill of Rights reflects enlightenment ideas

What are some ideas for crafting a decorative cigarette bin?

An idea for crafting a decorative cigarette bin would be to attach a cartoon or phrase which is funny or a popular character from television shows or movies.

How is federalism incorporated in constitution?

The entire constitution has Federalist ideas and concepts.

What is a source for the ideas outlined in the Japanese constitution?

Much of the Japanese Constitution is based on the US Constitution.

What does Common Sense have to do with the Constitution?

It has nothing to do with the constitution other than expressing the ideas that will be used in the constitution.

What are some good kids crating ideas?

When it comes to crafting ideas there are a variety of websites were one can find more ideas and activities for children. Pinterest is a great place to find ideas from real people and reviews on the projects as well.

Where can i get directions to build a treehouse for kids?

Try looking at Home Depot or Lowes for ideas. You can also purchase crafting books and magazines for ideas on how to build a treehouse for your kids.