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Hitler shot himself and his wife and napoleon got shot by somebody else.


AnswerNapoleon did NOT get shot: he died of either poisoning or a stomach ulcer. And because Napoleon did not die for quite some time after his final defeat at Waterloo, it would be more accurate to say that the complete military defeat of the Germans in WWII and Napoleon in the 100 Days was what caused them to lose their power.

OK Here is how it went like this napoleon was a french war here then a French General, the in the French Revolution he sided with the revolutionaries, eventualy he became into power then he was elected like 44,000,000 to 8,000 votes a epic victory as the first council of France. then he became more like a love dictator (see what many people do not understand is that napoleon was at first good for France) well anyway after that he was crowned emperor and his wife emperess. well he invaded a great many countries of Europe Austria, russia, prussia, and many more, finnaly they all got pissed and went against him. he finnaly signed a treaty and eventually an alliance with the Tsar of russia Alexander (Aleksandar) the first of russia, well napoleon was happy because someone of true nobility had accepted him even though he was clearly not of blood nobility as he was elected. finaly his ambitions got ahead of him and he made his friends and family kings and princes of the countries he had conquered, well he decided to divorce the empress Josaphine (think that's how you spell it) and marry the Tsar of russias sister, well when he asked the Tsar for his sisters hand in marrage Alexander said No. this and other insults quickly lit the flame for the new war with russia in the meanwhile he asked for the emperor of austrias daughters hand in marrage the emperor of austria said yes immediatly as he wanted peace and an end to napoleons campaingn against austria as napoleon was going to otherwise burn it to the ground, now after all this he double crossed and screwed over a lot of people, not too bad tho only the only people you don't really want to screw over but anyway he went against austria and since this was the second time he bouble crossed someone little did he know that eventually and inevitably it would all double back on him, anyway he led an army of 650,000 into russia and went to the capital to find it empty aflame and burning not to mention despite the flames cold. now Alexander had a stradegy for abandoning his capital, see it was burned down all but one building, and winter was approaching and 650,000 people no building and theyre not native to the barren cold inhospitible landscape of russia napoleon had to retreat losing almost all of his men that's when the colition striked all the nations of Europe invaded napoleon was captured and sent into exile on the island of elba well his ambitions could not be contained for long and so napoleon planned his escape, well he did escape and came back overthrew the king and once more was the emperor for about 115 days during this time he knew strike from the swift blede of the forces was coming all down upon France like a hellshower of men if he didnt strike first, so he held to his most valuable allie himself and his ambition fuled mind and he stuck to the strategy that had always payed off for him DIVIDE AND CONQUER - an old military maxim, he thought if he cold raise an army and defeat all the nations of Europe one by one he could save France and save his own life, he was utterly wrong and with one act of utter stupidity and ignorance of reality deserves one utter loss but one even stroke of luck he manage to escape France but was forces to surrender to a British man-of-war class battleship guarding the harbor while he was on his way to America, he was once more exiled to an island but this time he wouldn't be so lucky. he spent the remainder of his life in and island in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa where he died in 1821.

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In a nutshell: by starting an exceptionally bitter war in Europe and losing it.

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12y ago

Hitler only lost power when he committed suicide on 30 April 1945.

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He was considered to be a threat to European peace and tranquility.

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He suffered a military defeat at Waterloo, abdicated and went into exile on St. Helena.

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His power was taken from him as a result of his defeat at Waterloo.

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