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he was responsible for the Constitution to be brought home in 1982, he was minister of Justice back in 1968, He caused many a girls heart to go pitapat. it was called trudeaumania!! So now his son is just about to step into his shoes and maybe cause the same phenomena!

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12y ago

Trudeau had done many things including he enforced the war measures act and appointed Jeanne sauve as the first woman speaker in the house of commons and appointed her as the first Canadian governor general.he did the official language act too. And many others look it up

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Q: How did Pierre trudeau help Canada?
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No. Alexander Mackenzie was the second Prime Minister of Canada. Pierre Trudeau was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada

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Pierre Trudeau, as Prime Minsiter of Canada, was the author of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which became part of the Canadian constitution in 1980, and which is the foundation of human rights in Canada.

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Pierre Elliot Trudeau. The media obsession with him was called Trudeau-mania.

With witch country is Pierre Trudeaun identified?

Pierre Trudeau was prime minister of Canada for several terms.

Which political party was Pierre Trudeau the leader of and when was his tenure?

Pierre Trudeau was a member of the Liberal Party of Canada, of which he was leader from April 6, 1968 - June 16, 1984.