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Sanaubar, Hassan's mother, rejected him at birth due to his physical appearance and her own shame. She left him and never came back to see him, choosing to abandon him with his father, Ali.

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13y ago

she didnt even treat hassan like anything. She gave birth to him then dipped

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13y ago

She is Hassan's mother

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Q: How did Sanaubar treat Hassan when he was born in Kite Runner?
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What page baba sleep with sanaubar in The Kite Runner?

In "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini, Baba does not sleep with Sanaubar. Sanaubar is actually the mother of Hassan, Baba's servant and Amir's half-brother. There is a strained relationship between Baba and Sanaubar due to her abandoning Hassan when he was young.

Who is Sanaubar in the book the kite runner?

Sanaubar is the mother of Sohrab and the former lover of Hassan in the book "The Kite Runner." She is known for her beauty but is also viewed as a woman of loose morals due to her behavior. However, she seeks redemption by reconnecting with her son later in the story.

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Ali acted as a father figure for most of Hassan's life, but by blood, Baba is Hassan's father. His mother was Sanaubar (Ali's wife), who ran off to join a circus.

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Hassan's son's name in "The Kite Runner" is Sohrab.

Who killed Hassan and the book The Kite Runner?

The Taliban.

Hassan was a member of what minority group in The Kite Runner?

Hassan was a Hazara, an ethnic minority group in Afghanistan, who faced discrimination and social marginalization in the society portrayed in The Kite Runner.

What symbols can be used to represent Hassan from The Kite Runner?

Some symbols that can be used to represent Hassan from The Kite Runner include a kite, a slingshot, a pomegranate, or a cleft lip scar symbolizing his loyalty, innocence, resilience, and mark of discrimination, respectively.

Who walks with a limp in The Kite Runner?

Hassan walks with a limp in The Kite Runner due to a childhood injury inflicted by Assef.

Where does it say baba sold his car in the Kite Runner?

Baba sold his car to pay for Hassan's lip surgery in "The Kite Runner."

Why is sanaubar's leaving far worse than death kite runner?

Sanaubar leaving her son, Hassan, was worse than death due to the psychological and emotional pain it caused Hassan, leading to a deep sense of abandonment and loss. Her physical absence left a lasting void in Hassan's life and contributed to his feelings of unworthiness and insecurity. Death, while tragic, would have at least provided closure and an end to the suffering caused by her absence.

What was craved into the tree in the Kite Runner?

It was; "Amir and Hassan, the sultans of Kabul"

Where in the book The Kite Runner in quotes describes Hassan?

One quote describing Hassan in "The Kite Runner" is, "For you, a thousand times over." This line demonstrates Hassan's unwavering loyalty and love towards Amir despite their differences and the challenges they face. It symbolizes Hassan's willingness to sacrifice everything for Amir.