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she was really upset

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Q: How did Tom's wife react to the news of Tom's death?
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How did toms wife react the the news to toms death according to dills?

According to Dill, Tom's wife didn't react much to the news of Tom's death. She simply looked up from her stitching and nodded. This lack of emotional response suggested that she had already accepted the inevitability of Tom's fate in the oppressive society they lived in.

How did toms wife react to the death of tom?

she was really upset

How did tom wife react to the news of tom death?

she was really upset

How did toms wife react on his death To Kill a Mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Tom Robinson's wife is not explicitly mentioned reacting to his death since the focus is primarily on the trial and its aftermath. Tom's death is revealed to Scout through Aunt Alexandra who got the news from Atticus. It can be inferred that Tom's wife would have been devastated by his death as he was wrongly convicted and killed while trying to escape prison.

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Jill taley

How does tom's wife react to the news?

Tom's wife showed surprise and excitement when she heard the news. She thanked him for sharing it with her and offered her support and encouragement for the future.

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Yes! it was taped and everything! 0.o

What was left of toms wife?

Tom's wife had disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only her wedding ring on the kitchen counter.

What event in act 5 suggested that Macbeth is so exhausted by murder and bloodshed that he is almost used to the pain of death?

In Act 5, Macbeth receives news that Lady Macbeth has died. His reaction to her death is a resignation to the inevitability of death. This event suggests that Macbeth has become desensitized to murder and death, as he seems numb to the news of his wife's passing.