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Q: How did a mixed economic system solve basic economic problems?
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Economic problems for a mixed economy?

A mixed economy system is an economy system that combines elements of capitalism and socialism. The economic problems of a mixed economy are ,What to produce?, How should production be organized?, For whom should production take place?.

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Australia has a mixed-market economic system in which there is a mixture of control by the government and freedom of individual enterprise and in which the basic economic questions ...

How does the mixed economy solve the basic economic problem?

A mixed economy solves the basic economic problems in various ways. For instance the challenge of what to produce is resolved through price mechanisms.

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The 3 basic economic system models are mixed economy, command economy, and free-market economy. In a mixed economy recourse are owned publicly and privately while in a command economy resources are owned by the government.

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mixed economic system

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Communism, capitalism, and socialism.capitalism

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Mixed free and planned ((;

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In his economic system Smith believed that the basic economic questions were answered by the?

market xtine In short, the economic activities in the Philippines are both free of intervention and with government regulations. It may be regared as mixed economy.