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The term Apartheid was introduced during the 1948 as part of the election campaign by DF Malan's Herenigde Nasionale Party(HNP - 'Reunited National Party'). But racial segregation had been in force for many decades in South Africa. In hindsight, there is something of an inevitability in the way the country developed its extreme policies. When the Union of South Africa was formed on 31 May 1910, Afrikaner Nationalists were given a relatively free hand to reorganize the country's franchise according to existing standards of the now-incorporated Boer republics, the Zuid Afrikaansche Repulick (ZAR - South African Republic or Transvaal) and Orange Free State. Non-Whites in the Cape Colony had some representation, but this would prove to be short-lived.

This however only says HOW Apartheid began. The true meaning was because the white South Africans found it difficult to teach their technology to the local Black population and had to enforce a system so that they didn't mix with them. At the time (1948) around the world Black people (even in America) were considered second class, but here it lastes until 1994 because the white population were a minority ironically. If Apartheid did end (which is did) they feared that the uneducated black population would rush into towns and cities and not know how to properly function in those types of daily conditions. For example they tried lighting fires in their newly bought apartments as a method to keep warm. Obviously this didn't work. This has actually happened.

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12y ago
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12y ago

The vast cultural, economic and religious gaps between racial groups in South Africa was a very significant influence on the philosophy of apartheid. A separate development approach was decided upon in order to retain cultural identity and character of these communities which was very important to the conservative Afrikaans community at that time.

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15y ago

Because the establishment with the power to make the laws was afraid that if people were paid what they were worth would compromise their power and in a lot of case ability to abuse. Poverty creates a great pool for both labour needs and sexual abuse needs.

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12y ago

because when the europeans came to enslave the africans and to steal their natural recourses, the africans were then considered outcasts, in their own country. Even when slavery was made illegal, the white people ruled south Africa, and non-whites, such as Black, japenese, and any other race that was not European was considered on the same level as slaves.

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12y ago

This guy thought that all non-white people were the slaves of white and he looked down on them. So he gathered a group of people like him and started apartheid.

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6y ago

Because the white peole in South Africa thought the black people were made for slaves.

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11y ago

Because White people generally feel more superior than Non-whites.

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12y ago

British took over south africa

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Q: Why did the Apartheid get started in South Africa?
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Who started apartheid in South Africa?

Sessel John Rhodes started apartheid

Was apartheid started in South Africa?

Yes, apartheid was started by the 1948 Nationalist (read Nazi ) government.

Was apartheid in South Africa?

APartheid in South Africa started in 1948 and ended in 1991. The first vote blacks were allowed into was on April 4, 1994.

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Apartheid was started because the whites in south Africa did not want the blacks around

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The reason why it only started in South Africa was because some of the leaders in South Africa believed that God wanted blacks and whites to be separated.

What caused apartheid in South Africa?

apartheid in south Africa was started by the arrival blacks in south Africa and due to the history of slavery blacks were treated as unequal to the white minority and the black majority was ruled by a white government with racist Secretary laws

When was apartheid introduced into South Africa?

Officially Apartheid started in 1948 and ran until 1990.

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Where was apartheid a government policy?

South Africa

What caused the apartheid in south Africa?

The South African National Party caused and started apartheid.

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South Africa overcame apartheid in a good way. After apartheid got freedom and democracy

When did South Africa begin to implement the Apartheid policy Who was the architect of the policy?

Apartheid started in 1948 and was thought up by the stalwarts of the National Party and the Broederbond.