

How did ballet turn into hip-hop?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Ballet never turned into hip hop it is a different dance

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Q: How did ballet turn into hip-hop?
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Where does turn out come from dance?

Ballet! Turnout is important in all dance styles, except hiphop like styles

How is ballet today?

Ballet is so pretty i would know i do jazz hiphop and tap and ballet!! its fun and i can teach anyone skill and grace!!

Did hiphop evolve in any other styles of dance?

hip hop came from ballet.

What is turn in ballet in mean?

if you mean what is a turn in ballet called? it is a pirouette.

What is the difference between ballet and hiphop?

ballet takes alot of practise and puts alot of strain on the body whereas hip hop is free and loose. also you have to wear certain shoes for ballet in hip hop you can just wear trainers.

Where does your turn out need to come from and why in ballet?

your turn out should come from your hips. you have to turn out in ballet because that's just how it is :P

How is ballet now?

Ballet is the same now as it was in the 1600s. Ballet has 2 techniques, Cecchetti or Russian. Today most children ballerinas are learning the Cecchetti style of ballet. But, mostly most ballerinas are very well techniqued because ballet is a form of art and is most beautifully done as a more old fashioned piece of dance. Compared to modern or hiphop.

What is a ballet turn?


Does ballet mean turn?


What is a ballet move?

a full turn

Where does your turn out come from in ballet?

your turn out comes from the hips and thighs

Why are there are number of males in hiphop dancing and less ii ballet?

well with ballet you should start before you 20. And boys are put off by tutus and things like that when they are young. So by the time they are 20 and realise that ballet is not JUST for girls then they willl consider it. But they probably won't become a pro since they are quite old. BUt they might!