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Q: How did bleeding Kansas impact the tensions over slavery in the nation?
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What was the impact of Bleeding Kansas?

Bleeding Kansas showed America that they had a say in their fate of slavery. It opened their eyes to see that it was wrong.

What impact did the Kansas act have on slavery?

After the 'Bleeding Kansas' incidents had died down, it became clear that Kansas was voting to be free soil, and this showed the South that it was going to become more difficult to create new slave-states.

What was Bleeding Kansas's impact on the Civil War?

They had their way with President Lincoln

What impact did the Kansas nebraska act have on sectional harmony?

It destroyed it. By allowing one state at a time to vote on the slavery issue, it attracted every bully-boy in America to that one thinly-populated area, to intimidate voters and corrupt the ballots. ("Bleeding Kansas").

What impact did the Kansas-Nebraska Act have on the old Missouri Compromise line that had been the border for slavery for so many years?

That line was made obsolete. The new arrangemen was meant to be local voting on slavery in the new states of Kansas and Nebraska.

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What was one major impact of the novel uncle toms cabin?

One major impact of the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was that it helped to increase support for the abolitionist movement in the 19th century by exposing the harsh reality of slavery to a wider audience. It also fueled anti-slavery sentiment in the North and heightened tensions between the North and South leading up to the American Civil War.

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What impact did Uncle Tom's Cabin have on both the north south?

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" exposed the harsh realities of slavery and heightened tensions between the North and South by portraying the brutality faced by enslaved individuals. In the North, the novel fueled abolitionist sentiments and strengthened the anti-slavery movement. In the South, it was met with hostility and condemnation as it challenged the pro-slavery narrative.

How did border ruffians impact kansas?

"Border Ruffians" were residents from nearby Missouri who entered the Territory of Kansas and utilized voter fraud to sway the vote in the 1854 elections in favor of pro-slavery candidate.

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Does Canada impact modern slavery?

No! WE don't impact modern slavery. We aren't much different that Americans except we have more rednecks.