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Different types of people had different kinds of lives in the middle ages. It mattered allot how high up in the feudal system you were. If you were very close to William the Conqueror you would have had a better life. If you were a peasant in the middle ages then life would not be so good for you. Peasants in the middle ages were often short on food and they did not have very good clothing. Peasants did not usually get a choice at the beginning of the day what they were going to wear because they only had one set of clothes that they would wear every single day. Peasants did not wash in a bath like we do but they washed in a river, stream or a lake. That is, if they bothered. Most didn't bother. They would just dirty themselves again by getting into their beds. Upper class people would have had a fairly good life because they could afford more things. They could afford plenty of food and nice clothes. They lived a happy life and did not allot.

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13y ago
AnswerEurope's feudal system arose around the ninth and tenth centuries. Feudalism was based on an agreement between a lord, or landowner, and a vassal, a person who received land from a lord. In exchange for land, or a fief, a vassal promised to help his lord in battle. under feudalism, society in Western Europe was divided into three groups. Those who fought were the nobles and knights. Those who prayed were the officials of the church. Those who worked were the peasants. Peasants were by far the largest group. Most peasants were serfs, who were not free to move about as they wished. They were tied to the land of their lord. MoreThe clergy (people of the church) and the pope had much power and they took advantage of that. In the Middle Ages almost everything was based on the Christian/Catholic religion. This made the church VERY powerful in the feudal system. It made them almost as powerful as kings or queens. The serfs (peasants) were very poor and they would get food WHEN IT'S AVAILABLE TO THEM. The feudal system or feudalism is basically the same thing as the social hierarchy or the social pyramid.
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12y ago

yes it was hard only for the pesants not for the royalfamily

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Q: How did feudalism affect the lives of the people of medieval Europe?
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