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He allows the patient to talk about whatever is on their mind.

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Q: Why did Freud use techniques like free association and dream analysis?
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Free association dream interpretation resistant and transference are the four basic techniques used in what?

Psychoanalytic Therapy: Free Association, Dream Analysis and Transference & Resistance

When did freud use hypnosis?

In the beginning, he used hypnosis. But he quickly abandoned it in favor of free association and dream analysis.

What is the best describes psychoanalysis?

The method of psychiatric therapy originated by Sigmund Freud in which free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of resistance and transference are used to explore repressed or unconscious impulses, anxieties, and internal conflicts.

Describe the practical approach of Freud in psychoanalysis?

Dialogue, free association, dream interpretation.

What are the techniques used in psychoanalysis?

Dialogue, free association, dream interpretation.

Who wrote dream analysis?

Sigmund Freud is widely recognized as the founder of dream analysis. He delved into the interpretation of dreams in his groundbreaking work, "The Interpretation of Dreams," which was published in 1899. Freud believed that dreams held hidden meanings and that understanding them could provide insight into the subconscious mind.

According to freud the latent content of a dream refers to?

Freud believed that the latent content in a dream referred to the dream's underlying yet censored meaning. Sigmund Freud was a neurologist.

What are the current ideas regarding Freuds dream analysis?

Freud continues to be regarded as the original thinker and pioneer in the psychoanalytical interpretation of dreams, or rather, interpretation of dreams in pursuit of psychoanalysis. Freudian analysis continues to be respected and practiced by Freudian psychologists, although each analyst adopts Freud's methods to her/his own work. From a broader perspective, psychology in general tends to view Freud's narrow view of dreams as strictly wish-fulfillment as too dogmatic. Students of Freud as early as Carl Jung began diverging from Freud's limited interpretations, and now there are many different approaches to dream interpretation and analysis. See the attached link for more resources to continue this study.

What therapist would use dream analysis in order to understand the unconscious mind?

Many therapists use dream analysis, including Freudian, Jungian and more recently Griffin methods make extensive use of the various techniques.

What inspired surrealism?

Surrealism is meant to be and artistic representation of the unconscious mind and is a response to the Dada movement. Sigmund Freud's work with free association and dream analysis was a heavy inspiration. Surrealists also often aligned themselves with communism and anarchism.

Does research supported Freud's views on dreams?

The answer is both yes and no. Freud certainly laid the groundwork for dream analysis, on which successive generations of psychologists have built. But Freud's dogmatic emphasis on the sexual theory - that sexual repression is the basis of all neurosis, and the only theme of dreams - has been thoroughly debunked. See attached links for further study.

Mary dreams of being drowned by a large wave how might freud interpret this dream?

Freud interpreted just about everything as relating to the libido.