

How did medusa came from a beautiful women to a monster?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How did medusa came from a beautiful women to a monster?
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How did Medusa come to be history?

Some say Medusa was born ugly. Many stories about how Medusa came to be is numerous. The most famous must be with her and Athena. One day three beautiful women served as priestest in Athenas temple. One day Poseidan showed love to one priestest, Medusa. They dated in Athenas temple and Athena was so angry over Medusa's disrespect that she turned her in to a monster along with her sisters.

Why did Athena send a man to kill Medusa?

Medusa was once very beautiful but a man was sent out to kill her and she asked for Athena's protection but Athena refused and Athena cursed her. Medusa couldn't kill women so she was sent to a chamber (that is now hers) were no women could go. every man that ever went in there never came back out.

How is Medusa different from rondanini?

It's not. That's how you say Medusa in Latin. Medusa however came from the Greek.

Is Medusa a godess?

She is a Gorgon, Gorgons are women that are hediousley revolting and ugly from being cursed, Like Medusa, she used to be a beautiful woman but then she got cursed by a goddess and transformed into an ugly, evil snake-haired woman.

What came out of Medusa's blood?

the Pegasus

Who came out of Medusa's head?

Pegasus did.

How did medusa go from being a beautiful women to a horrible creature?

The three Gorgon sisters were daughters of ancient Sea Gods, Ceto and Phorcys. Two, Stheno and Eluryah were immortal, but the third, Medusa was not. She had been a female of absolute beauty, mostly her long, silky hair. She bragged at being more beautiful than the Goddess Athena, and one day, while in her temple, she was ravished by the Sea God Neptune. Athena was outraged by this and turned Medusa into the Gorgon she became famous for being. She turned her beautiful hair into snakes and let it be that she could no longer see the handsome men who came to court her, as they would instantly be turned to stone if they looked into her eyes.

What were the goddess Athena's failures?

It's difficult to list all of them, but one that comes to mind above the others is the incident with Medusa. Medusa was originally a beautiful, human virgin girl in service to Athena. Since Medusa was a virgin priestess, she could never get married or have children. However, this didn't stop one male from persuing her, Poseidon, god of the seas. One day when Medusa was praying in Athena's temple, Poseidon came for her. Medusa prayed to Athena for protection, but got none, so Poseidon raped her on the cold floor. By the end, Medusa was devasted, and she prayed to Athena for comfort, but the goddess only felt disgust for her. So she decided to make sure no one would ever want Medusa again, and turned her into the snake haired, stone-gazed woman we're all familiar with. So, Athena's failure here is not taking care of those who worshipped her, and making the situation worse by punishing the victim and turning her into a monster. Athena was responsible for Medusa, and failed. Before Medusa was a monster, she was a victim of gods who betrayed her trust and devotion.

Who are medusas children?

medusa's child was pegasus. pegasus came out of medusa's body when medusa's head got cut off. unlike medusa, pegasus was a very good god.

Was Medusa an enemy of Artemis?

They never came into conflict.

Why did they cursed medusa?

Athena cursed Medusa because she was in Athena's temple, worshiping her, when Poseidon came. Posiedon raped Medusa and Athena got jealous. So she gave Medusa reptilian hair and a scaly dragon body along with her two sisters.

What came from the blood of medusa?

According to Greek mythology, a poisonous adder spontaneously generated from every drop of Medusa's blood that fell upon the ground.