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Q: How did neil Armstrong show bravery and courage for walking on the moon?
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Related questions

What were the events that led neil Armstrong to walking on the moon?

Neil Armstrong walked on the moon to looking for alive. everyone know this thing.

How long did Aldrin and Armstrong spend walking on the moon?

2 hours

How long between Armstrong and Aldrin walking on the moon?

Armstrong & Aldrin landed on the moon in July of 1969, which is just over 43 years ago.

What kind of problem had Neil Armstrong when he went to the moon?

As the gravity on the moon is less then on earth , he had aslight difficulty in walking.

When neil Armstrong landed fist on the moon?

There were picture of neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin walking on the moon. They took pictures of themselves like tourists.

What date did neil Armstrong return to earth after walking on the moon?

Friday october 29 1871

How long between eagle landing on the moon at 4 18 pm and Armstrong walking on the Moon's surface at 10 56 am?


What is new moon all about?

New Moon is the second edition in the Twilight Saga and it is about Bella's struggle to cope after Edward leaves to protect her, the formation of her friendship with Jacob, and her courage and bravery throughout.

What date did Neil Armstrong return to earth after walking on the moon on the Apollo 11?

July 24, 1969

When did Louis Armstrong step foot on the moon?

Louis Armstrong (Sachmo) may have dreamt of walking on the moon but he never got there. His music has gone beyond the solar system on a digital recording on the Viking spacecraft!

How long was the first president on the moon?

No president has ever been on the moon. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, was there for about 2.5 hours of moon walking and about 5 hours in the lunar module.

The two astronaut who walking on the moon for the 1st time are?

The first two astronauts who walked on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, which were on the Apollo 11 mission.