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Depends on where you go in the south. If you go to the country then your going to find a majority of people that are dipping and they dont care and would still have slavery if they could. If you go to the city then they are going to act like its the worst thing that ever happened.

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Q: How did southerns feel about slavery?
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Who were the southerns in the civil war?

The people who were for slavery.

Why southerns believed slavery was okay?

it was to bring them more money

Why did many southerns feel that secession was necessary after Lincoln won the presidency in 1860?

because southerners thought Abraham Lincoln was going to remove slavery

How do southerns feel knowing their ancestors went to war to keep a race of people in slavery?

most southerns will go to their graves believing it was all about state rights and taxes. if only they would read the declaration of sessesion and the fugitive slave act they could die knowing the TRUTH.

What did the southerns goal the hoped to achieve by fighting the civil war?

To preserve slavery and have their own nation where slavery would exist.

Were the Southern colonies friendly?

No. The southerns were the ones who started slavery where as the north prohibited it. The southern started slavery especially around the Civil War.

What effect did Nat Turners rebellion have on southerns and their opinion of freedom for African Americans?

to end slavery

What was one of the arguments used by southerns slave holders to justify the institution of slavery?

It was critical for Southampton agriculture economy

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adamantly opposed itHe adamantly opposed it

Why were many Southerns upset with Northern Abolitionists?

Because they were trying to take away slavery. Southerners needed slaves their plantations.

Why did southerns states seceded?

Because pro-slavery feelings were stronger in the Deep South. In the Upper South, there was less enthusiasm for secession.

Why did many black southerns move away from the south?

Probably to get away from slavery, as there was lots of black slaves in the south.