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They were excommunicated

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Q: How did the Catholic Church punish priests and bishops who helped Hitler?
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Why did the Catholic Church support Hitler and left priests who opposed him to die or be murdered in concentration camps?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church never supported Hitler.

Was Hitler the head of the Lutheran church?

Hitler was not a Lutheran. He was a Catholic, although in name only. He had many Lutheran and Roman Catholic priests and laity killed.

Why did the catholic church and its leaders and priests leand so much support to Hitler and his extermination of the Jews?

Because sometimes religious people can be crazy and mean. By the way, I'm an atheist.

Why do Catholics pretend that the Catholic Church especially at the highest level didn't support Hitler?

.Catholic AnswerCatholics do not "pretend" that the Church didn't support Hitler, they know that the Church didn't support Hitler. All of the proof is that Pope Pius XII did everything in his power to support and protect the Jews, Catholics, gypsies, and everybody else that Hitler was trying to exterminate. He ordered the Bishops to do everything possible, he opened convents and monasteries to hide people. The top Rabbi in the synagogue in Rome was so overwhelmed by the love and support that the Holy Father that he converted to the Catholic Church. The leaders in Israel all issued statements thanking the Holy Father and the Catholic Church for all that it had done. The only people who believe that the Catholic Church supported Hitler are the know-nothings in the present day press corps that are willing to repeat any vile unsubstantiated rumor against the Catholic Church, and the people who listen to them. Look at history, not the local entertainment news.

Was Adolph Hitler baptised?

Yes. Adolf Hitler was baptised in the Roman Catholic church.

How does the Church justify its support of Adolf Hitler?

Neither the protestant churches or the Catholic Church supported Hitler. The Catholic Pope was criticized during the war and after the war for not coming out openly or strongly against Hitler & Mussolini.

What religion do they practice in germany?

I know that they were united with the Catholic Church. Read on Hitler and also the history of the Catholic Church.

Was Hitler anti-Catholic?

Hitler was a Nazi. Most historians believe he was anti-catholic. He closed religious schools, shut down Christian organizations, ordered the murder of priests, not to mention the German leader of Catholic Action. He had Christian civil servants fired, he confiscated church property, censored religious newspapers. and sent thousands of Catholic priests, nuns, and laypeople to die in extermination camps. While he was born Catholic, he was explicit in rejecting their religion, calling it "the Jewish Christ-creed with its effeminate, pity-ethics".

Did any other religiousgroups help Hitler?

catholic church

How long did the catholic church support Hitler?

The relationship between the Nazis and the Catholic Church was complex, and is argued about to this day. The Catholic Church wasn't especially happy with the Nazi Party when it was part of the Weimar Republic, but when Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, the Church and Hitler reached an agreement where Hitler would allow churches and Christian teaching in schools without interference. In return, the Catholic Church agreed to keep out of politics. Additionally, some German Bishops were enthusiastic supporters of Hitler throughout the war. The basic underlying problem was that both the Nazis and the Catholic Church laid claim to the soul of the German citizen, so the 'honeymoon' between the two organizations was brief. In 1937, the Pope published an encyclical that was read from the pulpit criticizing Nazi racism, and that was enough to spark repression from the Nazis. Most of the German Bishops ended up in concentration camps. Any competing organization in Germany didn't last long in the face of the Nazi onslaught. Hitler himself never publicly opposed Christianity, but would be more likely to say something like 'God wants Germany to be strong!' rather than "Jesus wants Germany to be strong!' There are indications that Hitler probably would have founded his own version of Christianity if he had had the time.

If Hitler was Jewish did he convert to another religion or did he become an atheist?

Hitler was raised a catholic and remained a member of the Catholic church until his death.

How many Jewish people did the Catholic church hand over to Hitler for execution?

Roman Catholic AnswerNone, the Catholic Church did more than any other institution to save people during Hitler's reign of terror in Europe.