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How did the physical environment of the eastern woodland Indians affect the homes they constructed

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Q: How did the Eastern Woodland Indians interacted with their environment?
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Facts about eastern woodland Indians?

the woodland indians are known for their good "wood-sucking"

Eastern woodland Indians?

A:they are called eastern woodland Indians because they lived in forest and were in the east coast.

Are the eastern woodland Indians and the Iroquois Indians the same?

Not exactly you see, the Iroquois is a small group of tribes inside the whole subgroup of the eastern woodland Indians

Where did the tribes of eastern woodland settle?

The Northwest Coast Indians traveled by canoes.

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Did the Eastern Woodland Indians have Tipees?

Yes they did

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They farted...

Did the eastern woodland Indians farm?

Yes they can.

Did eastern woodland Indians migrate?

yes they did

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woodland indians

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eastern woodlandindians are cool