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Of course, Luke the physician and companion of Paul was unlikely to have been the real author of this Gospel or of Acts of the Apostles, both of which were originally anonymous until attributed to him later in the second century. Luke 1:2 gives us a summary of how our 'Luke' gathered his information for the Gospel: "Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word." In other words, the information was delivered to Luke's community ("us") in written form through a chain of writers, the earliest of which Luke believed to have been eyewitnesses.

We now know that the writings that were delivered to Luke were Mark's Gospel and the hypothetical 'Q' document (it is 'hypothetical' because we have no extant copy, although its former existence is almost universally accepted by scholars). Luke also found information in the Old Testament to be useful in writing his gospel.

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Q: How did the Holy Spirit use Luke to gather information for his Gospel and Acts?
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The Acts of the Apostles - a book written by Luke (the writer of the third gospel) and addressed also to Theophilus ( as was his gospel) and which tells of the early CHristian Church after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

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The Acts of the Apostles. The Acts of the Apostles, abbreviation Acts, fifth book of the New Testament, a valuable history of the early Christian church. Acts was written in Greek, presumably by the Evangelist Luke, whose gospel concludes where Acts begins, namely, with Christ's Ascension into heaven.

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A:The Holy Spirit is reported in Acts 2:1-4 as coming to the apostles some forty days after the Resurrection of Jesus, on the Day of Pentecost, as tongues of flame. A little-known account in John's Gospel (John 20:22) also has the disciples receiving the Holy Spirit when Jesus breathed on them, on the same day as the Resurrection. Had the author of Acts not reported the disciples receiving the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, no doubt the parallel account in John's Gospel would have received greater prominence, with the Church proceeding much as it did.

Sreview of the Synopic gospel of Acts Chapters 13-28?

Acts is not one of the Synoptic Gospels - they are Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Acts can be considered a follow-on or sequel to Luke, since they were written to the same person and evidently by the same author. But Acts is not a Gospel.

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Acts 1:8, " But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." The Holy Spirit was given and entered the apostles 10 days ( Day of Pentecost) after Jesus ascended. The mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ was first given to them, that was their ministry (To be witnesses for Jesus). The Holy Spirit empowered them to do this. A witness is a person who tells the truth about Jesus Christ. All true Christians have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them and this is their power source, and have the responsibility to continue spreading the Gospel.