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Humanism was a new way of thinking, born in the renaissance. Humanists believed that people should enjoy life on earth, and question The Bible while interpreting how they wish. Humanism was more independent from the Roman Catholic Church, and allowed people to think about other things rather than just Religion. Even in art, artists were begging to paint new things, other than just religious ideas and portraying humanist ideas. This effected the Renaissance Worldview because people of the time started to believe more in Humanist ideas and life on earth rather than just working to death, just to go to heaven.

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Humanism affected the Renaissance by spreading the word of rebirth into the world as a human not as a religious belief

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Q: How did humanism affect the Renaissance worldview?
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What is humanism and how did it affect the Renaissance?

How did humanism affect society? People had the time to sit back and question the way the church looks at things. Also they could be more artistic.

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Humanism was in the Renaissance.....Or in other words...I have no idea

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secular humanism as demonstrated during the renaissance.

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During the renaissance age, people's worldview began to shift. They began to believe in the power of the human being, and how the human being can do things on his own without divine intervention. They saw the world as something to discover, and began to find things out for themselves. The world was a new and interesting place, and they saw that they had a role in it. This idea in itself, the power of the human being, is the basis of the humanist ideals. The worldview of the renaissance age was, for the most part, a humanistic worldview, which sparked so many great things, along with our modern age.

How did humanism affect the renaissance?

humanism -a way of thinking and learning that stresses the importance of human abilities and actions. hope this helped :D

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Humanism revived the interest in ancient Greek and roman thought. Basically it brought back the Greek and roman ideas in a new light.

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