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The disagreement that resulted in the Missouri compromise was that Missouri, part of the Louisiana Purchase, should be a slave state according to the South. The North thought that it should be free of slaves, so eventually, Henry Clay made it so that Missouri was a slave state, and Maine was a free state. That made it so that slavery was banned in the remainder of the Louisiana Territory north of the 36*30 parallel.

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12y ago

Actually, the Missouri Compromise did not resolve the conflict. It attempted to resolve the conflict, but in fact just put it off for a few decades. The basic issue was whether slavery would be allowed in the territory of the Louisiana Purchase, and the compromise was that it would be permitted south of a demarcation line, but not to the north. In the end, if failed to work for several reasons.

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12y ago

It didn't. It was a remarkably successful compromise, partly because it was a simple solution - a line in the sand, North of which slavery would be illegal.

Neither side was entirely satisfied with it. Actually they were equally dissatisfied, and this managed to keep the balance!

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12y ago

New states admitted to the union were to be alternating free and slave

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11y ago

want to be free

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Q: Describe the disagreement between the north and south that resulted in the Missouri compromise?
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What was the disagreement between the north and south that resulted in The Missouri Compromise?

whether new states should be admitted as slave or free states

What resulted in one free state and one slave state?

Missouri compromise

Who or what resulted in one free state and one slave state?

Missouri Compromise. (NOTW)

The Missouri Compromise of 1850 resulted in what events?

Answer this question… California became a free state.

What event triggered the debates that resulted in the compromise of 1850?

The acquisition of huge territories from Mexico, including California, which was too big to fit the terms of the Missouri Compromise.

Who resulted in one free state and one slave state?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. The Compromise ruled that any territory north of 36 30 latitude would be free and below it would be slave.

If Missouri was allowed to be a be a slave state what would keep slavery from spreading all across Louisiana territory?

Check out this quote from Wikipedia on the Missouri Compromise (which, I'm assuming is what you need more information on): "Controversy over whether Missouri should be admitted as a slave state, resulted in the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which specified that Louisiana Purchase territory north of latitude 36° 30', which described Missouri's southern boundary, would be organized as free states and territory south of that line would be reserved for organization as slave states. As part of that compromise, the admission of Maine as a free state was secured to balance Missouri's admission as a slave state."

The great compromise of the constitution resulted in the?

The Great Compromise of the Constitution resulted in new branches of government. These branches are still in use today, they are the legislature, with the two houses.

Did the Kansas Nebraska Act support the Missouri Compromise of 1850?

No. The effect of the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) was to supersede (nullify) the Missouri Compromise, rendering it inapplicable to future states. The geographical division was not applied, but rather "popular sovereignty" within a state would decide the issue of slavery there. This resulted in internecine warfare in the states of Kansas and Missouri, and murderous attacks by both sides (abolitionists and pro-slavery).The Missouri Compromise (1820) was never actually repealed per se.

The compromise between north and south that resulted in each slave being counted?

3/5 Compromise

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The Great Compromise resulted in the creation of Congress as a bipartisan institution with the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What resulted from the Three-Fifths Compromise?

How black slaves were to be counted in the population.